"Our cumulative efforts make a world of difference."
"CCSS: Our kids can if WE do: learn together, implement together, fail together, reflect together, grow together."
"The worst thing we can do right now is standardize practice."
"Embrace the technology today. Students need access to the world guided by a professional."
"Groups of children can learn most things on their own. Search engines never say no, they always give something back." http://www.hole-in-the-wall.com/
"Give students a hint/suggestion and then let them discover."
"Are we preparing our students for today's world? Or are we holding our students to traditions that are obsolete?"
"As leaders, model a growth mindset by continually learning and continually growing. Lead outside of the box thinking, take risks."
"Effective teachers do similar things but in their own 'voice' they have to have their personality."
"Don't play 'the game' of school."
"We can't keep preparing our students for multiple choice questions."
"Don't ask what your students 'are going to do today' instead ask what are my students 'going to learn today.'"
"We need to create a culture on campus that allows failure so that our staff and students can grow from mistakes and find success."
"Use your intelligence to amplify the intelligence around you."
"What is it we can learn from Tupac Shakur? He has made an impact that transcends all barriers."
"If a rose can grow in concrete, think of what would be possible if it had a fertile ground. Tenacity. Affirmation." http://rosesinconcrete.org/
"Until the lives of every child in this country matters the same, we are playing games."
"The single most protective factor for a child experiencing toxic stress is a CARING ADULT."
"The 'common core' standard to academic success is ensuring our students have their basic needs met. Pathway to academic success."
"We might not change the world...but we can spark the mind that does."
"Create the conditions where students can see themselves for the potential they are."
Those are just a few of the "ideas" that impacted me. To see my Twitter notes and those of others that attended the symposium, visit Twitter and check out #cisc14. You will see a thread of Tweets from symposium attendees.You can also visit the CISC symposium website at http://www.ciscsymposium.org/index.php/portfolio/. The link will take you to the CISC Symposium presenters page. You can click on the presenters and see their resources. I am also working on a Google folder of resources that will encapsulate the CISC symposium presentations that I attended. As soon as the Google folder is complete I will share it with you. In the meantime here are some videos and pictures.
As I emailed over the weekend, we are now an official No Excuses University network school!!! We are Committed: We believe that every student deserve the opportunity to be educated in a way that prepares them for college if they so choose to attend. We are Courageous: To display courage is to show strength in the face of fear. We do this by ignoring those who try to tell us our dreams for our students' futures are unrealistic and impossible. We are Collaborative: Our collaborative spirit is grounded on the idea that we each have unique strengths as well as different weaknesses. We are Creative: We are innovative and love to explore new ways to get results for our students. We are Character Centered: Character is doing the right thing when no one watching... this goes double for adults. We are College Crazy: College readiness is a tie that binds us as students, parents, and staff. Because of this, we reveal the benefits of a college degree to all students in practical and achievable ways that offer hope for a better future.
INTEGRATE: When two or more things combine or work together in a way that makes something more effective.
Many more great things are in store for Crystal!
Continue to be innovative, creative, and a model of excellence!