Tuesday, November 15, 2016

We are in this for the KIDS!!

At this point in the year I feel that it is important to stop and take a moment to remind ourselves why we are in our positions. It is easy to get lost sometimes in our mounting emails and to do lists. But, we must always keep in the forefront that we are in this for the KIDS!!

Last Thursday was a great reminder for me. I was able to spend the entire morning at the 2nd Annual Special Olympics hosted by Fairfield High. I couldn't have even imagined leaving before it ended to go back to the office and check emails or process paperwork. Spending time with the students and being part of their day was so important!!

Our students need us to be present in the moment, to appreciate them, and to make every effort to improve their overall experience in our schools. We can't connect if we are sitting in an office. We can't appreciate them if we aren't part of their experiences. And, we definitely can't improve their overall experience in our schools if we are only interacting and listening to the adults.

As you get ready to head out the door today, take a moment to prioritize your day. How much time are you planning on spending interacting with kids? If you realize that you have planned very little or no time at all with students today, see if you can rearrange your calendar to make it happen. Once today is gone, we can never get it back.  #KidsDeserveIt

We are in this for the KIDS!!! 

       Continue to be innovativecreative, and  a                            model of excellence!

Sunday, November 6, 2016


The last two months have been filled with healthy lifestyle challenges. September brought in the #100milechallenge where the goal was to reach 100 miles through running, walking or moving. October rang in #movetober which included another 100 miles of moving, daily planks, and 100 minutes of mindful meditation. The beauty of these challenges to date is that each person involved is creating a healthier lifestyle and at the same time building stronger relationships across FSUSD with all those that are participating. A network has begun and people are reaching out not only to encourage, but to now join up for run clubs, half marathons, movie days, you name it.

November is upon us and we are now six days into #ThankFall. This month's focus is to continue the healthy lifestyle habits that were developed in September and October and add in daily moments of gratitude. Being mindful each day to be #ThankFall is having dual benefits. Those that are participating are getting a glimpse into one another's lives; again, strengthening the relationships and collaboration with colleagues. All the while taking time in your day to be mindful and appreciate all that you have in your life!!

Here are a few #ThankFall posts from your fellow colleagues throughout FSUSD. Join the movement and become a little healthier, happier, and more at peace. Your productivity will naturally increase as a result too. :)  It is NEVER TOO LATE TO START!!!

         Continue to be innovativecreative, and  a            model of excellence!