Monday, December 7, 2015

Preparing our Students for Their Future

Over the past few months there has definitely been a theme at the conferences I've attended and in the reading I have done. Many educators are continuing to encourage others to rethink what school looks like. I feel that we are joining that conversation and beginning to rethink our own approaches. We have embarked on the XQ Super School redesign project at FHS, the district is working on its Facilities Master Plan Project, and students are asking, "What if...."

We all know that we can't predict what the jobs of 2030 will look like, but we do know that we are preparing our students today for those jobs of tomorrow. With quite a bit of certainty we can say that there will be many jobs that require computer skills. We know that jobs will require collaboration and team work. Many jobs will require individuals to problem solve and work with others from across the world, no longer just on the other side of the cubicle. Employers will be looking for individuals that are dependable, positive, prepared, unique, and able to network.

Ask yourself this one question, Is your classroom environment preparing students to be successful for their future career? If the answer is yes, great job keep it going. If the answer is no, take some time to rethink how you could approach things differently. What opportunities could you design for collaborative team work? What opportunities could you design for public speaking? What opportunities could you design to network with other classes, members of industry, or someone in another country?

Here is one way to make an immediate impact on your classroom.  We all know that this week is Computer Science Education Week and there is a great opportunity to incorporate computer science into your classroom. I will make the pitch one more time for EVERYONE to participate in The Hour of Code!!! Find at least one hour this week for you and your students to complete a tutorial. Certificates of completion and stickers are already in your boxes. Log into the tutorial page at: Here is a link to a video that shows what students and staff did last year for the Hour of Code: Tweet using hashtags #codeFSUSD and #HourofCode

Our ONE goal: To graduate every Fairfield High Student and to ensure that they leave FHS college and career ready!!! 
Inspire, Engage, Excite, Lead, Foster, Create, Empower!!

Many more great things are in store for Fairfield High!

Continue to be innovative, creative, and a model of excellence!