Our youth need to see us in the community and need to see us as role models and mentors. This event on Saturday was a great example of this. The Fairfield Police Department was in full force to answer questions and provide guidance and support. I saw many adults taking the opportunity to reach out to the officers and find out ways of helping to make their neighborhood safer. The officers were serving snow cones and cotton candy to the kids and engaging in great honest positive communication. This is the beginning of the change. But, it can't be the end. We all need to continue to take part in what we can to continue to foster growth in our youth and our community. If we can build a strong foundation in our city then we as educators will not only be providing a strong academic foundation, but we will be helping to provide a safe society for our students to be successful and prosper.
Whether you are a spiritual individual or not, one could not help but notice the strong message of faith at this weekend's event. The speakers and musical performers all expressed their trials and tribulations in life but attested that the turning point was when they let God into their lives. The fundamental concept of faith has a uniting effect. Faith based organizations from all denominations joined together on Saturday! The guiding principle here is that we all need to join together to support one another and help each other out of the tough times. We can do this!
Here are two different video compilations from the event.
Our ONE goal: To graduate every Fairfield High Student and to ensure that they leave FHS college and career ready!!!
Inspire, Engage, Excite, Lead, Foster, Create, Empower!!
Many more great things are in store for Fairfield High!
Continue to be innovative, creative, and a model of excellence!