Tuesday, January 2, 2018

#Life is such a #beautiful #gift

It is day two of the new year and I feel compelled to write a few words. I have not written a post since June of 2017. Today, while out on a jog I was filled with such positive energy I knew I needed to capture some of it in "ink."

Many of my colleagues and Twitter family have taken to the #oneword resolution for the new year. I have been quiet on posting my #oneword as I have so many words that I feel speak to my current #resolve and #commitment right now. These last few days of vacation I have really been able to reconnect with my sense of #purpose #spirituality and #joy for the life that is around me and in me.

Every life is a beautiful gift that should be #appreciated, #cherished, #polished, #supported, #honed, and #protected. I am committed to putting out as much #positive energy in every encounter I make today, tomorrow, and each and every opportunity I am provided in the future. Channeling the positive energy is what needs to take place in order to suppress any negative energy that exists in our world. Negative energy only sucks out life and I want to help to #grow, #support, and #blossom all the life that surrounds me.

 So.... my #oneword is #positivity.

#Life is a #beautiful #gift