Saturday, February 17, 2018

The Time is Now....

Each day I contemplate on how well we are doing with our students. I reflect on what is working well and where we need to make adjustments. Thoughts, images, and ideas have been swirling around and this morning I have found a quiet time to process and write them down. As we all know, once you commit your thoughts and ideas to paper you are one step closer to making them happen.

An image struck me this morning, it is the Japanese "enso." Zen circles, or enso, are symbols of teaching, reality, enlightenment and a myriad of things in between. A symbol that seems so simple yet encompasses so many intricacies. Some artists practice drawing an enso daily. I see each person somewhat like an "enso," seemingly simple yet so intricate in detail. 

Every day we are in front of our students is an opportunity to create change, empower thought, develop skills, and assist in their progress towards becoming the most successful people they can be. Imagine yourself looking down upon a classroom, envision the teacher as a masterful artist embarking on his/her new day of creation, see the children as works of art, canvases that have been touched by many artists before and are now ready to receive a new layer of influence. Each child is a unique creation that together we are helping to mold and foster. 

It is our obligation to teach each and every child. It is our obligation that we do everything we can each and every day to TEACH every student and do everything we can to ENSURE every student is LEARNING and GROWING!! 

Something that has been weighing on me is the grading process where we assign students with an "F," a permanent mark of FAILURE. Why, if we are charged with educating would we ever think it is appropriate to provide a mark of "FAILURE" to one of our students? One of our own works of art!! It is our obligation to educate, so we cannot ever give up. Think of it this way, if you are running, trip and break a bone, you go to the doctor. You go to the doctor and receive a cast to help fuse the bones back in place and heal. The doctor does not merely tell you to run better next time and don't fall. The doctor would provide you with guidance on how to run to help prevent a future injury, but he/she would also provide the cast so you can heal. 

I am asking that every educator look at EVERY student as a work of art. I am asking that every educator take time with EVERY one of their students to help each of them realize their full POTENTIAL. I am asking that every educator continues to teach from the HEART and recognizes that we are OBLIGATED to ensure that ALL students LEARN. I am asking that every educator takes time to reflect on his/her mission and work and find the PASSION that made them decide to become an educator. I am asking that every educator harnesses that PASSION and ENERGY to do everything possible to support each INDIVIDUAL student and NEVER GIVE UP.  We CAN change the cycle. We MUST change the cycle. We must PLAN and EXECUTE. 

Allow yesterday to guide us to do better tomorrow. Allow the mistakes of yesterday to become lessons learned that are our building blocks and foundation for tomorrow. The future is created by each of our decisions and actions today. We design our future by taking charge of the present. We are in this together and are stronger together. I ask that if you are with me on this, take time to commit in writing, share with others, chart your course and let's make it a very bright future.