Listening to our students, staff, and even ourselves is such an important part of what we must constantly do. We cannot make assumptions or base our decisions on a single viewpoint. We must reflect, adapt, and learn what is necessary. It can be discouraging at times, seeming as though others around you are "just getting it" while you are stuck and wondering what is going wrong. We are all faced with those days when it feels like nothing can go right. It is what we do with that moment that is key. That is where true leadership comes out. I was super impressed with a tweet shared by Social Science teacher, Shari Patterson today. She recognized the lesson didn't go well and instead of making excuses she is brainstorming how to make it better. Sharing this publicly took a lot of strength and trust with her own PLN. This is exactly how we can continue to support each other through the #observeme movement. Other teachers can now share ideas that may spark an even better lesson for Shari in her classroom. I can guarantee you that Shari is working right now to design a lesson that will top what she planned today and that will be shared via her tweets tomorrow. #growth #reflection

I am constantly learning each and every day from those that are part of my Professional Learning Network (PLN). I am inspired and motivated to try new things and encourage other educators to do the same. I find a sense of euphoria while on Twitter. I was trying to figure out why I am always so happy while reading and posting on Twitter. I think it is because while on Twitter I am surrounded by people that are encouraging one another, facing and conquering challenges, and continuing to improve their practices and do what is best for kids. My challenge to myself is to take that same intense joy and energy that is felt while on Twitter and infuse it into the regular day.
If you haven't heard/seen/read there are some new bloggers in FSUSD!! Take some time to read the blog, "
FSUSD Innovates" co-authored by Steve Trotter, Colleen Hutchinson, and Allison Klein. I have a feeling that a few more authors will join this amazing group of innovative educators very soon.
One of our very own Ed Tech's Andy Meyers has an amazing blog, "
Embracing the Whole." He is part of the #IMOOC with George Couros, and Andy is taking on the #IMOOC with a gusto:
Continue to be innovative, creative, and a model of excellence!!