Soccer is such a TEAM effort. It is essential that each player is skilled in his/her position but is also adaptable and able to sub in for a player in a different position when needed. Each player understands the rules of the game and learns the most effective way to capitalize on one another's strengths. Additionally, they adapt their plays on the field to respond to the other team. One element that is critical is COMMUNICATION. On the field it is a necessity that the players communicate with each other to announce if they are open for a pass, if a player is behind them about to approach the ball, or if their teammate is getting close to an off sides call. It all works beautifully when both TEAMWORK and COMMUNICATION are synced.
Were you making a mental analogy between the soccer field and the work that you do in your department and/or school? We each must hone and refine our craft in our immediate position, but we also must be well versed in our FSUSD policies and procedures so that we can "sub" in and help out the larger team when needed. We must adapt and adjust according to our students needs and without a doubt we must continually and effectively communicate so that we can truly work as a TEAM unit!! We each play a role in the success and/or failures of FSUSD. Let's focus on ensuring a WIN for our students. That WIN is graduating high school!! We can do this! We must do this! #TOGETHER
We must graduate every FSUSD student and ensure that they leave FSUSD college and career ready! Inspire, Engage, Excite, Lead, Foster, Create, Empower!!
Continue to be innovative, creative, and a model of excellence!!