Sunday, October 20, 2019

Being Intentional At the End of Each Day...

I have been able to spend some more time reading When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing by Daniel Pink. I am excited to share another excerpt from the book that has so much relevance in our field of education.

Chapter Five is entitled, "Time Hackers Handbook" and has a section titled "Four Areas Where You Can Create Better Endings" one of the areas that I want to share with you is: The Workday.  Below is a direct excerpt from the book on page 172.

The Workday

When the workday ends, many of us want to tear away-- to pick up children, race home to prepare dinner, or just beeline to the nearest bar.  But the science of endings suggests that instead of fleeing we're better off reserving the final five minutes of work for a few small deliberate actions that bring the day to a fulfilling close.  Begin by taking two or three minutes to write down what you accomplished since the morning.  Making progress is the single largest day-to-day motivator on the job.  But without tracking our "dones," we often don't know whether we're progressing.  Ending the day by recording what you've achieved can encode the entire day more positively. (Testimonial: I've been doing this for four years and I swear by the practice.  On good days, the exercise delivers feelings of completion; on bad days, it often shows me I got more done than I suspected.) 

Now use the other two or three minutes to lay out your plan for the following day.  This will help close the door on today and energize you for tomorrow.

Bonus: If you've go an extra minute left, send someone--anyone-- a thank you e-mail.  I mentioned in chapter 2 that gratitude is a powerful restorative.  It's an equally powerful form of elevation.

😍I think this practice could help me a lot!!  I am committing to making it part of my way to close each of my work days. I will do a progress check in a month to see what impact it is having on me.-KW

Remember how important your words and actions are on all those that you interact with!
We must graduate every FSUSD student and ensure that they leave FSUSD college and career ready!  Inspire, Engage, Excite, Lead, Foster, Create, Empower!!

Continue to be innovativecreative, and a model of excellence!!

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