We started on a tech journey together last year at our very first staff meeting. Each staff member was presented with an iPad. The iPad was much more than just a device. It was a symbol to everyone of the commitment we were making to a #techrevolution at FHS. Since that day back in August 2014 the momentum in our #techrevolution has not slowed. We were assigned an Ed Tech specialist last year and his one on ones with teachers have increased and the support/guidance is ongoing throughout the year. Ten teachers attended the GAFE Summit in November 2014 at Rodriguez. Those teachers then shared at our Tech Slam and mini Edcamp later in the year. Over the summer 18 more teachers attend a GAFE Summit in July. We are preparing for the deployment of Chromebooks to every single 9th grader in just a few months. The admin team attended the CUE Rockstar Admin camp a week ago. And... we will be sending another cohort of teachers to the GAFE Summit coming up in November.
We are continuing to share ideas and encourage one another to try new things. Last week we started the #FHSTwitterChallenge. The thought process behind the challenge was to increase the number of staff members on Twitter, increase the activity of those already on Twitter, and ultimately show everyone why and how Twitter can be such a powerful tool in education.
For those of you that have not been in participating in our #FHSTwitterChallenge it is not too late to begin. Here is a snapshot of what has transpired in the first FOUR days of the SEVEN day challenge.

Twitter: invaluable for busy teachers. Lots of good resources at your fingertips. Shared ideas are best!#FHSTwitterChallenge @KristenWitt13

Twitter has helped me stay connected to students and staff. Others should join for the connections! @KristenWitt13 #fhstwitterchallenge

A2: other teachers should join because learning never stops happening! @KristenWitt13 #fhstwitterchallenge

I have developed a huge #PLN that has inspired me to continue to try new things and grow as an educator @KristenWitt13 #fhstwitterchallenge

Why should every educator join Twitter? Please read. goo.gl/NWptgd
#FHSTwitterChallenge Day4 @KristenWitt13

Twitter has been helpful to me by providing a multitude of ideas and resources for the classroom! #FHSTwitterchallenge @KristenWitt13

#FHSTwitterChallenge Day 4
Answer these questions: How has Twitter been helpful for you as an educator? Why should others join? @EdTechSpec

Labor unions in cotton mills-Might try this lesson soon! #FHSTwitterChallenge day3 @KristenWitt13 bit.ly/1M20sqM

Students are using their electronic devices for research/calculations #FHSTwitterChallenge @KristenWitt13 goo.gl/QTJPMy

Lesson to teach students how to access historical websites. #FHSTwitterChallenge day3 @KristenWitt13 bit.ly/1YYTurR

Researching and creating a presentation using technology #FHSTwitterChallenge @KristenWitt13 goo.gl/fkBaXI

digitalvaults.org students create their own virtual museums and archives #FHSTwitterChallenge #Day3 @KristenWitt13

Technology in the classroom!
#FHSTwitterchallenge @KristenWitt13

Collab presentations in @google slides instructions posted in Google Classroom #FHSTwitterChallenge @KristenWitt13 bit.ly/1L5mzHB

@srahugueley Needs to be a new post.
Not just a pic but the lesson plan. #shareideas #FHSTwitterChallenge

Is there going to be a #fhstwitterchallenge over the weekend @KristenWitt13? @Kjax09 and I are wondering! #competitive

What an #amazing staff. On Day Two of the #FHSTwitterChallenge we had 7 new staff members join Twitter!! @EdTechSpec #techrevolution #FHS

That time this awesome principal(@KristenWitt13) issued the #FHSTwitterChallenge to her staff & you felt like the paparazzi were after you.

Day 1 of twitter challenge: take a selfie w/ ed tech specialist!
#fhstwitterchallenge @KristenWitt13 pic.twitter.com/8tNJSX2kdr

#FHSTwitterChallenge Day One: Find our Ed Tech @EdTechSpec on campus on 10/1! Snap a selfie and post with #FHSTwitterChallenge
An FHS #techrevolution is underway! Are you part of the movement?
Our ONE goal: To graduate every Fairfield High Student and to ensure that they leave FHS college and career ready!!!
Inspire, Engage, Excite, Lead, Foster, Create, Empower!!
Many more great things are in store for Fairfield High!
Continue to be innovative, creative, and a model of excellence!
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