Tuesday, September 6, 2016

#Motivation and #Challanege

I have to say that this weekend was a great one. For the first time in a long time I refrained from checking email, sending email, and doing any work related activities. I spent time with my family and I was truly present in the time I spent with them. It was a good reminder for me that keeping balance in our work and personal life will actually make us stronger in those areas! 

Now, for this week's blog focus; #motivation and #challenge. I see motivation and challenge as two key areas for success in our lives. Twitter is my go to for connecting with professionals and learning and sharing. But, most recently, it has also been the avenue for some #challenge and #motivation for me. Thanks to Principal Trotter who tweeted about the September #100milechallenge, I now feel more compelled to get out and run and to push myself harder than I had been. It is quite amazing how a few small words and some pictures can be so compelling to get someone to move, but it has. It is so encouraging and rewarding to see others partaking in the challenge and pushing themselves as well. We are supporting and motivating each other and it is making the challenge so much more doable. This can and is so easily transferable to the classroom as well.

Last week, Sherry McCormick, principal of Sem Yeto, shared with me some feedback from students and parents. Their words are a testament to the value of invested and motivating educators.  

Student A's dad: "My son came home and said he LIKES his teachers and they ACTUALLY help him.  My son has NEVER said that...it almost brought me to tears. I feel like he can make it here."

Student B's  mom was crying in our meeting.  I asked the translator to ask mom why she  was sad.  Mom said, "I am not sad. I am happy.  Happy that my daughter likes school and wants to come to school. It is so nice to know she wants to come. I am so thankful we moved to this school."

Student B said, "I like it here.  I really like going to one class a lot." When asked which class she answered, "Photography."  "I don't feel as anxious about school since I came here. There aren't as many people."  Background on this young lady...SEVERE ANXIETY..NEVER went to school last year.

Remember how important your words and actions are on all those that you interact with! 

Continue to be innovativecreative, and a model of excellence!

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely agree Ms. KW!! I did very little work this weekend and it was fun to connect with my family and friends. I was at Suisun Elementary at BTSN listening to a second year,,,yes...second year...explain to parents how students will be interacting in class using academic conversation starters to engage in Common Core related learning...a sister of a parent walked out of the room and explained to me that she went to private schools but would happily place her children in this teacher's class! This teacher participated in Integrated/Designated ELA/ELD ongoing professional learning with her grade level partners last year ...brought tears to my eyes! We have many teachers doing wonderful things for kids..making them feel connected and providing rigorous, meaningful, learning opportunities!
