Monday, September 2, 2019

Motivation and Challenge

I have to say that this weekend was a great one. For the first time in a long time I refrained from checking email, sending email, and doing any work related activities until late Monday. I spent time with my family and friends and I was truly present in the time I spent with them. It was a good reminder for me that keeping balance in our work and personal life will actually make us stronger in those areas! 

Now, for this week's blog focus; motivation and challenge. I see motivation and challenge as two key areas for success in our lives. Twitter is still my go to for connecting with professionals and learning and sharing. It is also an avenue for challenge and motivation for me. Thanks to teachers like Kristen Soulsby, Shareen Choy, and Ruben Lerma and administrators like Steve Trotter, Rebecca Dinwiddie, Kristen Cherry, and Larissa Sherrod I feel more compelled to get out and run and to push myself harder than I had been. It is quite amazing how a few small words and some pictures can be so compelling to get someone to move, but it has. It is so encouraging and rewarding to see others partaking in challenges and pushing themselves even further than they thought possible. We are supporting and motivating each other and it is makes the challenges so much more doable. This can and is so easily transferable to the classroom as well.

Here is a challenge I think everyone can get involved in. Straight from Dr. Rob Martinez on Twitter: "The school year is young, and I implore you to take on this #Educator Challenge! If you are part of the educational system that serves our 6.2 million students in California, then you have a responsibility to act in ways that connect, engage, and tell those in your world that you notice their efforts, their kindness, and them!"  

#Doit#LeadWithResilience#togetherwegrow #togetherwelearn#togetherwelead #juntoscrecemos#juntosapredemos #juntoslideramos#liderconresiliencia

Remember how important your words and actions are on all those that you interact with!
We must graduate every FSUSD student and ensure that they leave FSUSD college and career ready!  Inspire, Engage, Excite, Lead, Foster, Create, Empower!!

Continue to be innovativecreative, and a model of excellence!!

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