Monday, September 30, 2019

Visualization to Actualization

We all have goals and dreams we aspire to. The ability to see what it will look like when that goal or dreams is realized can be a powerful tool. As leaders of each of your campuses, you are striving for improvement to reach an "ideal" school that you have envisioned. Have you thought about each and every aspect of what that will look and sound like? I encourage you to take some mindful time and space to visualize each of your goals. See what it looks, sounds, and feels like. Then, begin to incorporate that image into how you plan your actions and support/coaching for your team members. Help those on your team to also "see" the goal. If everyone has an image and an understanding of what they are working towards, they will be able to reference the current reality to the goal.

Here are a few articles that can help you with this practice of visualization to actualization.

Tony Robbins, "Goal Visualization"

Psychology Today, "Visualize to Actualize"

Dan Remon, "Visualization leads to Actualization"

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